
The Illusion of our "Economic Recovery"

If you REALLY want to know about the Global Economic Crisis which lies immediately before us, click on the heading of this posting, and search for Andrew Gavin Marshall's excellent article: "Debt Dynamite Dominoes: The Coming Financial Catastrophe - Assessing the Illusion of Recovery". Marshall believes that most Americans have been lulled into a false sense of safety under the ruse of a perceived "economic recovery". The crisis threatens to spread to Spain, Portugal and Ireland, and one country after another will collapse into a debt and currency crisis, until the deadly tide swamps the shores of America, where "our" government merely set out to save the banking industry from collapse. After money was pumped into stocks, but not the "real" economy, we have merely set out to save the banking industry from collapse, but not our basic economic system, which includes the generation of jobs and not our hurting housing industry.
Bottom line: This "recovery" has been nothing but a complete and utter illusion, and within the next two years, this illusion will also die after our complete collapse.

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