
Life is MORE than difficult for Iraqis!!!

Actually, since our invasion, life is HELL for Iraqi civilians, and it's been a hell since 2003 - the year of our so-called "liberation". A new report by Amnesty International says "hundreds of Iraqi civilians are still killed and maimed every month, and those who speak out, like human rights campaigners or journalists, face constant terror - in other words, life is tough and getting worse every day. Is our United States of America responsible? Of course not: Our US government is entirely IRRESPONSIBLE!!
How can the assholes in our administration sleep at night, in the secure knowledge that their lackeys are making life a living hell for so many honest and decent civilians who only want to survive and provide for their starving families.
Can you handle the truth? Check the Al-Jazeera English website marked: "Life is Difficult for Iraqis". Since "our" so-called "liberation", we have shown the entire world that we can not be trusted to fulfill our fiduciary obligations!

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