
The Thugs from Mossad Killed President Kennedy

I was in the Army Recruiting Station in Houston, Texas, to be inducted into the US Army, when I saw Walter Kronkite on the television monitor, crying uncontrollably. Someone at the station told me that President Kennedy had just been shot by an unknown gunman in Dallas, Texas. Now, after so many years and miles, including service as the Intelligence Operations Officer of our 4th US Army in Goeppingen, Germany, and voluntary service in Vietnam with our 1/10 Cavalry Squadron, as well as Advisory Team Leader north of Kontum, and in the so-called "Iron Triangle" near the resettlement village of Trung Lap, I have "seen the light". Though I used t have Jewish friends, and generally felt compassion for the plight of the Jewish people under the Nazis, it appears evident that the Jewish people have a very vicious criminal element, beside which the Mafia look like a bunch of wonderful choir boys. My only regret is that I had been foolish enough to listen to my father, who hated the Nazis, and warned me not to follow in their path.
So- that's why the Jewish Nation needs a Mossad - not to defend their country from the "evil" Arabs, but to whack our American presidents whenever it suits them!!

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