
British Petroleum and the Little Eichmann's

Men like British Petroleum's Chief Executive are prepared to ruthlessly exploit the natural world, and the members of our world's society, blind to the fury of our world's, and even their own self- destruction: They carry on their ridiculous propaganda, claiming that "The Gulf of Mexico is a very ocean", with glib comments that: "The amount of oil and dispersant we are putting in is tiny in relation to the total water volume" until there can be no recovery of the environment in the affected area. My parents and I left Germany to immigrate to Canada, and later, the United States, because we felt, wrongly, that a man like Eichman, who sold out his soul to the NAZI criminals who had captured Germany, would not be tolerated in "the land of the free, and the home of the brave", and I risked my life in an ugly war in Vietnam, because I really, really believed that propaganda. Now we are stuck here, in the United States, after my exposure to "Agent Orange" pollution of my combat area near Trung Lap, in the heart of the Vietnamese "Iron Triangle". As Chris Hedges, who was not afraid to serve as a war correspondent in many of our nation's wars, put it: "The little Eichmann's who manage our corporations serve the forces of death, the dark instinct Sigmund Freud identified within human beings that make us annihilate all living things, including ourselves, in their cold and rational exchange of life for money!"

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