
How Hidden Pools of Government Money Could Save Our Economy!

For over a decade, accountant Walter Burien has been trying to alert the American Public about a massive conspiracy and cover-up, involving trillions of dollars squirreled away in funds maintained at every level of government. These funds exist, as evidenced by the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs), required at every level of government. Burien notes that the government is composed of 54,000 different state, county, and local government entities, including school districts, public authorities, etc., and that these entities all keep their financial assets in liquid investment funds, bond financing accounts and corporate stock portfolios. The only income that must be reported in government budgets is that from taxes, fines and fees, but the investments of government entities can be found in official annual reports, which must be filed by local, county, and state governments. Burien maintains that these slush funds have been kept from taxpayers. Unlike private businesses, which have bank credit lines they can draw on if they miscalculate their expenses, local governments are required by law to balance their budgets, and if they run short, public services and government payrolls may be frozen until the voters get around to approving a new bond issue.

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