
A Massacre of Arabs Masked by a State of National Amnesia

When I worked for, (and finally received) my MBA (Master of Business Administration) at the University of Texas at Arlington, I was inevitably drawn to a young Palestinian, Samir Farah, at our Student Union Building, where we could enjoy a free exchange of ideas. (Someone later told me that any deviation in our hearts from the Gestapo-like nature, especially now, under our "Fuehrer" Barack Obama" might land us in our wonderful gas chambers, but I REALLY don't care anymore: I server in our US Army in Germany, and later in Vietnam, where I was "almost" whacked by those Vietnamese who disagreed by our American presence. To the patriotic Vietnamese who lived through my reign of terror, I offer my most humble apologies for my, and my adopted country's fascination to plunder a sovereign nation, and her people for the benefit of our criminally insane government, that instinctively realizes that our ultimate destruction is now inevitably at hand.

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