
Was Last Week's Market Crash an Attack by Financial Terrorists?

Last week, the US stock market suffered the greatest sudden drop in it's history. Coming on the day that Congress considered two key financial reforms, this timing may indicate that Wall Street is resorting to extreme tactics in its effort to intimidate politicians who want to rein in the capital markets casino. In other words, the market plunge could have been an act of financial terrorism: Goldman Sachs, which is currently under investigation for a very different kind of fraud, has the trading power to make such a market crash occur, and has much to lose from financial reforms currently moving through Congress. This amalgamation of events is very similar to what took place on September 29, 2008, after the US House of Representatives shot down the "Troubled Asset Relief Program". Immediately after the vote, big banks made the market plunge a record of 778 points, sparking widespread fear AND PANIC that helped "convince" Congress to eventually pass the bailout. Personally, I liken it to the sort of pressure that a holdup victim feels, when a thug jumps from the bushes, holds a gun in your face, and says: Your money, or your life!!

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