
Texas Congressman Ron Paul will set us Free (If anyone can)

In an interview with Fox News, Texas Congressman Ron Paul commented on the serious crisis in Greece. He called it the opening of a much more serious crisis than the financial crisis. He predicts that what we are seeing is a shift from the financial crisis, and the financial institutions, to a currency crisis. Even though the dollar was up sharply yesterday, and has been up sharply last week, he sees an attack on the dollar. In terms of gold, the dollar has been rampantly devalued, which means that gold is "acting" as money. Governments are giving up on paper currencies, and Ron thinks this country and the world is in deep trouble, because this currency crisis is much worse than a financial crisis. It is a world problem, and our US will be the last one to fall, because most people in our world still mistakenly think that the dollar will save the financial mess of the other nations. What we have is a debt explosion, which has already occurred for 40 years. There will be anger, and riots in the streets when the general population of our world begins to realize what is happening to our world.
For the rest of this story, please click on the heading, and visit http://www.ronpaul.com/

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