
Obama: Eternal War for Eternal Peace!

A long, long time ago I read George Orwell's famous book, in which the leader of his nation promised eternal war for eternal peace. It seems that our "peace president" had someone interpret the same story to him: Jack A Smith, posting on the Asia Times, as related on alternet.org, believes
that Obama believes he must be guided by that same mission: Washington views America as being constantly under the threat of attack from a multitude of fearsome forces bent on its destruction. As such, trillions more dollars (which we don't have) must be invested in present and future wars - ostensibly to make our besieged homeland safe: Hence, the Pentagon is strengthening its nuclear force and bolstering it with a devastating "conventional deterrent" intended to strike any target in the world within one hour. Obama is vigorously expanding the George W Bush administration's wars, and enhancing and deploying America's unparalleled military power.
May God have mercy on our souls!!
Please click on my heading to read the rest of this vital story!

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