
US joins UN Security Council at Iran Dinner in New York!

Iran's foreign minister held a rare meeting with our United States and other Security Council members on Thursday. UN ambassadors of the United States did not attend but showed their contempt for peace by sending lower level diplomats. Washington was represented by "Deputy Ambassador" Alejandro Wolff. In a glaring contrast to the behavior of our United States, most other council members, who did not want to be associated with the forever ccontinuing wars of OUR United States, sent ambassadors to the dinner of the Iranian ambassador's residence in Manhattan. They included Chinese Ambassador Li Baodong, the only chief of missions from the five permanent council members to attend. After a thorough "browbeating" from the Israelis, who dared to sink our ship, the "Liberty" while I was Intelligence Operations Officer of our 4th US Armored Division in Goeppingen, Germany, we may have inadvertantly exposed the evil nature of our Israeli "Allies". My advice to our Israeli Allies: "I'll see you in hell".

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