
Chris Hedges: Power and Tiny Acts of Rebellion

Chris, who is certainly one of the finest journalist who still believes in this country, is deluded when he laments that our "president" gave in to evil forces around him. In fact, my wife and I saw his glaring personality flaws when he ran for office, and Obama sold out to the movers and shakers in this country before he ever decided to run for his "titular" presidency. Both my wife and I realized that he was just another George W., who despises the people of this nation, and now spends most of his time in a vain attempt to hawk his ghost-written memoirs. Surprisingly, based on what we see on television, W., the man who gave our country an extremely bad name by advocating torture as a quick and easy way to ingratiate himself to the idiots of our world, is now Obama's role model. Though Obama will, as Chris Hedges predicts, spend the next two years "being even more obsequious to those in corporate power" that was clearly his intention from the very start - let's say: "His raison de etre!!" (His very reason for being, for those who don't have a French Dictionary handy). I pity the fools who rushed to support Obama in his rape of the poor nation of Afghanistan. Those who have watched that fiasco on nightly television can, I hope, commiserate with the poor inhabitants of that nation for the follies of the 'leaders' of our United States. In a group, they are leaders who have besmirched the good will of our great country!
Please click on my title to read the full story of Power and the Tiny Acts of Rebellion, by Chris Hedges, a truly great journalist, who has now gone astray! May he return to the path of righteousness.

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