
Frosty Wooldridge: The Titanic and the United States

Just like the Titanic which sank on April 15, 1912, our United States stands at a critical point in the history of our nation: In 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson and Senator Teddy Kennedy drove America into an iceberg of massive, unrestricted immigration, that opened the floodgates with the "Immigration Reform Act". The massive flow of humanity from that lethal hit is still pouring into our country 38 years later, much like the party-goers on the Titanic, that kept enjoying themselves for hours after the doomed ship struck an iceberg in the North Atlantic. Like the Titanic, the constant flow of incoming humanity, 70 million immigrants pouring in at 2.3 million annually, both legal and illegal, raised our population from from 200 million to nearly 300 million in three decades, leading to overpopulation and a serious crisis. Our English language is now under assault, and our schools are drowning in ethnic violence, rapes, illicit drugs and gang warfare. In California, Texas, Florida, and Arizona, our hospitals have become bankrupt from unpaid services for 350,000 annual 'anchor babies'. Ten million illegal immigrants displace jobs from America's working poor, and depress wages for many others. Leprosy, tuberculosis, Chagas Disease, hepatitis and other diseases our into our country inside the bodies of illegal immigrants. Please click on my headline to read the full story on Frosty Woolridge's website!

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