
70 Million Died So The Jews Could Have Palestine!!

Yes, according to Katherine Smith, PhD, the Jews were not the only ones who suffered as a result of World War II. My mother, grandmother, and I were barely able to escape our hometown Breslau with the last train from that surrounded city. On our way to Dresden, we were painfully aware that American fighter-bombers were lurking in the sky in order to hunt the poor refugees around us. We were saved only by the quick thinking of the commander of our train. In the middle of a dense forest, he shut down the train's boilers, so that the murderous American fighter planes could not find us. When we arrived in Dresden, we were greeted by friendly Red Cross nurses, who fed our starving refugees delicious noodle soup. Even so many years after that event, I still remember the many kind faces, only a few feet above me, who wanted to befriend a small child, who had not yet been baptized to the horrors of war. Many years later, when my advisory team and I stumbled over several 55 gallon drums tied to the trees at the bank of a river, I felt very strongly that I had to reciprocate my good fortune in surviving the holocaust of Dresden by assuring the survival of my adversaries, and I deliberately failed to call the location of these hiding places to the armed helicopters of the Cu Chi 25th Infantry Division. PEACE!!!

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