
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya: Towards a New Iron Curtain-The US-NATO Missile Shield Encircles Eurasia

Towards a New Iron Curtain: The US-NATO Missile Shield Encircles Eurasia: Western Europe through NATO and the EU forms the primary bridgehead of America into Eurasia. According to Brzezinski, NATO and the European Union form the primary bridgehead of America into Eurasia. NATO and the EU constitute America's most important relationship. It is the springboard for US global involvement, enabling America to play the decisive role of arbiter in Eurasia, the world 's central arena of power, and it creates a coalition that is globally dominant in all key dimensions of power and influence. The secondary bridgeheads of America into Eurasia are: 1. Japan and South Korea, 2. the Arabian Peninsula, and 3. the US and NATO military forces in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan. This is why the expansion of the US missile shield from a US project to a NATO project should come as no surprise. The globalization of NATO is part of that process: The inclusion of the missile shield project under the helm of NATO was already in the pipeline in the 1990's. In fact, the statements that NATO just adopted the missile shield project in 2010 are bold faced lies.

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