
Iran hangs man convicted of spying for ISRAEL

In Iran, justice is truly NOT blind: Ali Akbar Siadati had been accused of providing Israel with classified information on Iran's military capabilities, including details on military maneuvers, bases, operational jet fighters, military flights, air crashes and missiles, according to IRNA. In addition, another Iranian was hanged for membership in an exile opposition movement. Over the past decade, Iran has stepped up its domestic military production, including missiles capable of reaching Israel and beyond, aiming, according to Tehran, to defend the country from Israel and the US, amid Iranian concern they might strike its nuclear facilities. According to IRNA, Siadati confessed to spying for Israel starting in 2004 in return for $60,000, as well as an additional $7,000 each time he met with Israeli handlers. IRNA said he met with Israeli intelligence agents during 'foreign trade' trips to Turkey, Thailand and the Netherlands and that he transferred data through a digital camera, transmitters and a laptop. IRNA reported that Siadati was arrested in 2008, while planning to flee Iran. There were no details on whether Siadati was a government employee, or how he obtained the classified information. Also, there was NO immediate comment on the execution from officials in Israel. There is an old German proverb: "Wer sich auf andere verlaesst, der IST verlassen." He, who depends on others, is lost!

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