
What are our Prospects for Humanity, by Francis Boyle??

In 1965, after I finished my combat assignment in Vietnam, President Lyndon Johnson invaded the Dominican Republic, which prompted me to begin a detailed examination of US military interventions into Latin America. Before I served in Vietnam, I had stopped in Washington, DC, to visit a CIA Agent Steve Mayfield, who at that time, worked in Washington as a trainer for our agents in our southern hemisphere. This prompted me to begin a detailed examination of US military interventions into Latin America from the Spanish-American War of 1898 to President Franklin Roosevelt's so-called 'good neighbor' policy. At the end of this study, I concluded that the Vietnam War was not episodic, but rather systemic: Aggression, warfare, bloodshed, and violence were just the way the United States Power Elite had historically conducted their business around the world. Historically, the latest eruption of American militarism at the start of the 21st Century is akin to that of America opening the 20th Century with the US instigated Spanish-American War in 1898. At that time, the Republican administration of President William McKinley stole their colonial empire from Spain in Cuba.
Please click on my headline to read the rest of Professor Boyle's story!

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