
More Israeli Atrocities, with help from Washington, in Palestine -

December 27 is the second "anniversary" of Operation Cast Lead, Israel's brutal offensive against the Gaza strip, which was initiated to kill as many innocent women and children, thus clearing the area to attract more rabid Zionists from the remote corners of our world. In 22 days of relentless air and land attacks, more than 1400 Gazans, mostly civilians, were killed in what the 'Goldstone Report' describes as war crimes, and crimes against humanity. In its ferocity, Cast Lead desires to imitate the horrors of the invasion of the Polish Warsaw Ghetto by the German Nazi regime, and to let the world know who is in charge on this fragile planet. As of this day, Israel remains unpunished for her horrendous crimes. For all of their resources, and the "moral authority" of the United Nations and numerous other international humanitarian organizations have failed to deliver more than rhetoric, leaving it to the ordinary citizens of our world, in the form of humanitarian aid convoys, to break the blockade of Gaza and deliver essential medicines, educational resources and equipment to its suffering population. The international community meekly accepts the dictates of this rogue Israeli state, and its imposition of an illegal, immoral and inhuman torture.

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