
A Palestinian Child Laments: "All I want to do is die" - Merry Christmas, (fn) Israel

While the rest of the world celebrates, Israel tells Palestinians to pay for the destruction of their own homes by the brutal Israeli state. While Christ spread a message of peace and love, Israel would rather flex its muscle by forcing the Palestinians to pay for the destruction of their own homes. Israel's "wonderful presents" include the shredding of all sense of humanity. In the words of Barbara Shenstone, the West Bank Field Director for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, demolitions are in contravention of international law, and one young child, about the age of our Lord and Savior Jesus, states: "All I want to do is die." Merry Christmas, Israel! I call on the Israeli authorities to cease demolitions and evictions in occupied areas which are in contravention of Israel's obligations under international law, including the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which Israel is a party. The United Nations Organization states that in 2010, there has been a 45% increase in the demolition of Palestinian homes, with 561 people displaced, including 280 children! Merry Christmas, f'n Israel!!

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