
Our NEW Corporate Police State: "Ever heard of 'deep packet' inspection??

Our government, which has now assumed the format of a "police state", is now busy in helping you from treading beyond the narrow path - past the standard pablum provided to us by moronic television talking heads, and the few newspapers and/or magazines which persist in feeding you the sickening lies which our "elected" government believes is in "your", (read "their interest" to keep you from surfing the web in order to seek your "own" enlightenment about their fast and loose wonders which "they" just "know" YOU want to hear, so that you are now motivated to run to your nearby Army, Marine, or Airforce recruiter in order to tell the rest of our world how to behave. The secret world of "cyber situational awareness" is now "their wet dream" on how to run the rest of our world. Would you bet your life that the wizards of misdirection and deception care that you are really more than a disembodied data point? From their lofty perch, our internet service providers play as intermediaries and gate keepers, collecting and analyzing the online communications of tens of millions of internet users. Still, the illusion persists that communication technologies are somewhat neutral. Whom are they REALLY trying to kid? Please click on my headline to read Tom Burghart's important message about our "Hi-Tech" Corporate Police State"!

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