
Wikileaks Exposes America's Dirty Laundry

There is never a lack of an audience for "our" promoters of "alternate realities". Julian Assange is one of those rare people who wants our United States to make certain that Obama's awesome undeserved power is no longer used to ensure that our government brings evil to a fragile world: He believes that our US citizens have a right to know how our power is used. There is a need for people like him to enlighten our citizens, who are victimized by being bombarded with alternate realities: Whether most people REALLY want to know about the ravings of the maniacs within our government, is up for debate, but at least they are now told what passes for the truth these days. Glenn Beck is a charlatan who preaches an alternate reality that affirms the untested prejudicial assumptions and feelings of millions of Americans, while Julian is a real truth-teller who shatters assumptions, calls into question feelings, and would force us to look at the historically objective information that best represents how things REALLY are: He stands up and speaks truth to power, but, as Noam Chomsky once pointed out: POWER ALREADY KNOWS THE TRUTH!!

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