
70 Million "Gentiles" Died So The Jews Could Have Palestine, By Katherine Smith, PhD

Events That Changed the World in the 20th Century, edited by Frank W. Thackeray and John E. Findling is a unique resource which offers detailed descriptions and expert analysis of the 20th Century's most important events, however the "creation" of the State of Israel is NOT among the events That Changed the World in the 20th Century. Without a "modern State of Israel" perspec- tive, historians, scholars and researchers have spent half of the 20th Century writing hundreds of thousands of manuscripts, books, theses, dissertations, essays and journal submissions attempting to resolve the anomalies and inconsistencies of the events from 1897 to 1948: The year 2009 was the first time anyone in history realized the significance of "Theodore Herzl's" remarks at the first Zionist conference in 1897. Herzl predicted UN Resolution GA 181, which would be adopted 1n 1947, creating the "State of Israel". "The Modern State of Israel: Providence, Miracle, or What Really Happened, by Robert Singer, was given to Canada Free Press(CFP) as an Exclusive in March of 2009. CFP is the conservative Canadian website (Alexa Traffic Rank: 20,536), owned and operated by Judi McLeod.

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