
Whom does Obama Work For?, SORRY-NOT YOU!!

Before his election, little was said about Obama's payoffs (sorry, let's call them 'donations'). There was an article in the "democratic underground" posted before the election, but it was shouted down, and hardly anyone paid any attention to how long Obama had been paid off (sorry - I mean, how long people had "donated to him"). Only recently, Obama said that his greatest achievement thus far is bailing out the banks. It's only recently that the left began to whine about Obama's Big Sellout. Did you know that Obama has a favorite banker? It's Jamie Dimon from JP Morgan. It pays to donate! The left is now talking about a disconnect from the reality of what the President is, versus whom they thought him to be. Though the information was available before the election, no one wanted to look into the 'Manchurian candidate'! Before the election some poorly informed persons chose to cry "Racist" time and time again, when negative information was disclosed. Though you weren't able to find it in his campaign ads, Obama let slip his plans to become a modern-day Robin Hood in the White House, confiscating money from the rich to give to the poor.
Please read the full story at http://www.thecomingdepression.net/

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