
Amgels Don't Play This HAARP: Advances in Tesla Technology

The sudden bird and fish kills around our world can easily be summarized in the phrase: "It's not NICE to fool Mother Nature". For the answer to these disasters, buy the book by Jeane Manning and Dr. Nick Begich, titled: "ANGELS DON'T PLAY THIS HAARP", subtitled Advances in Tesla Technology, by Earthpulse Press, PO Box 201393, in Anchorage Alaska, 99520. Part one has seven chapters - The Sorcerer's Apprentices, Trail from Tesla to Star Wars, What's going on Up There?, Skybusters Under Secrecy, High on the Sky, Northern Exposure, In the Wilderness. Part Two begins with: Scientists are concerned - Who Can Stop the Big Zapper?, Tesla's Weather Apprentices, Putting the Heat on Mom Earth. Part Three begins with: The Compilers, Twistes Words, Star Wars and Poker Flats, Star Wars - Company Control, "The Project's Not Classified".
In the last four months of 2010, nearly 500 earthquakes rattled Guy, Arkansas. The entire state experienced 38 quakes in 2009. The spike in quake frequency precedes and coincides with the 100,000 ded fish on a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River that included Roseville Township on December 30. Hydraulic fracturing is the most likely culprit for all three events, since it causes earthquakes with a resultant release of toxins into the environment. A close look at Arkansas history of earthquakes and drilling reveals a shocking surge in quake frequency following advanced drilling. The number of quakes in 2010 nearly equals all of Arkansas quakes for the entire 20th century. The oil and gas industry denies any correlation, but the advent of hydrofracking followed by earthquakes is a story repeated across the nation. It isn't going to stop any time soon, either: Fracking has gone global!

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