
From Haiti to Australia: The Horrendous Payback of Global Capitalism!

From the ongoing hell of Haiti's earthquake victims to the horror of families being swept to their deaths in Australia's catastrophic floods, one conclusion is clear despite the mainstream news- media's, usual myopic coverage: this is the perverse payback of the capitalist system, a system in which the private profit of an elite dominates all other needs of the 'common' people, no matter how vital those needs are. Decades of exploitation and neglect of social needs are now magnifying manifold the impacts from natural phenomena that are part and parcel of living in a physical world. Such events are inevitable, but the extent of destruction is not: Whether it is profiteering by US transnational corporations from Haiti's sweatshop poverty, or profiteering by Australian property developers and banks, all aided and abetted by supine governments, that do the bidding of these entities by slashing taxes on the wealthy, and giving free rein to their depredations , the appalling bottom line is that the vast majority of citizens are being abandoned more and more in the face of serious consequences. Adding insult to injury is the pathetic, callous response of these servile governments as the increasing havoc of crony capitalism descends. Despite initial pledges of generous aid to Haiti from the US government, scarcely a cent has actually been sent, as more than a million people in that Caribbean country continue to live in makeshift tents, and thousands more die from cholera!
Please click on my headline to read the remainder of this important story on www.globalresearch.ca

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