
The "Great Game" - The Next World War, Part III

I decided to continue my posting of "The Great Game", since I want my readers to understand fully, how our country can stumble into the next world war, especially with Obama at our helm:
Economically, Russia is interested in cooperation, and politically, Iran should be a self-sufficient,independent state that is ready to protect its national interest, as in a military face-off against the US, Israel, and Britain, according to Mr. Putin. As a sign of what is in store, on the same date as the signing of the Russian-Iranian agreement, The New York Times reported that Beijing could be the target of US plans for a missile shield project that would threaten China. During October 2000, the Kremlin also initiated the push for the formation of a Eurasian Union, which would mirror the European Union. The seeds of this Eurasian Union under a customs union between Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus, with the possible inclusion of the Ukraine, will see entry into the World Trade Organization as a single entity. While Tehran and Moscow signed an important cooperation agreement on March 12, 2001, a few months later Moscow and Beijing signed the "Treaty of Good-Neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation on July 24, 2001. The Chinese, the Russians, and the Iranians all saw the writing on the wall. Geo-political conflict was on the horizon, and the US and NATO war machine was getting ready to march into Eurasia. The tragic events of September 11, 2001 were the first drum beats, or the opening salvos of a much wider conflict. Did US foreign policy facilitate the creation of a Eurasian bloc? No doubt, Washington was aware that it was encouraging Moscow, Beijing, and Tehran to join hands.

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