
Is Our Country Stupid - or What - Washington To Rearm Georgia For New Conflicts??

Last time "Georgia" fought the Russian Army, they got their ass kicked BIG-TIME !! So now these idiots are going to try again?? If there is any sanity remaining in our government, someone should put a stop to this foolishness!!Let's pretend that the "Pentagon" is still capable of identifying Russian military capabilities, and that Obama is still in charge! Has Obama asked the right questions of his generals, and have our generals approached him with the truths of such a hazardous event, or are they all on psychological drugs? Recent reports in the Russian news media have detailed plans by the US to provide the Mikheil Saakashvili government in Georgia with tens of millions of dollars worth of anti-aircraft and anti-tank weapons. The Russian government's Itar-Tass news agency and Voice of Russia have confirmed the arms package with officials from the Russian special services and the Joint Staff of the armed forces. An official from the second source responded to the proposed arms sale by stating: "We deeply regret that the reset of the US-Russian relations declared by the administration of Barack Obama does not change anything in Washington's military support for the Georgian leadership, which began the war in the Caucasus in August 2008, and which is continuing to mastermind aggressive plans against the independent states of Abkhazia and South Ossetia." The Georgian- South Ossetian- Russian war of 2008 was preceded by Georgian artillery barrages against the South Ossetian capital of Tskhinvali on August 1, which killed six people including a Russian peacekeeper stationed there. The defense rests!

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