
NOW, the Morons in our "Government" Want War against China!!

"Our" propaganda assault against China stinks to high heaven, though the "average" American hasn't bought in to this false advertising "yet"! But selling wars takes time, and "our" arms manufacturers are already licking their chops about the possible profits from the pain and suffering of others. Nevertheless, the average American has not bought into this false advertising "YET". So the big lie will be repeated until its roots are deeply sunk into the American psyche: China, says the US government, is a threat that needs to be "dealt with." Unfortunately for our government, which has a nasty habit of spreading these lies, China has no military bases outside its borders, nor has it started wars in other countries, while our United States has made a hobby of war, probably to satisfy the production needs of our giant military weapons industry. Our US, under Obama, will spend $725 billion in 2011, while China will spend, by comparison, a measly $80 billion. Let's compare our human rights records, and compare ourselves to China: Has Clinton forgotten that Guantanamo Bay remains open, filled with tortured people who are charged with no crimes? Has she forgotten that Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan continues to deny the International Red Cross access to its "black site" detention center, since they would discover the torture chambers described by ex-detainees? I rest my case!!

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