
Some Issues to Ponder in Our New Year!

Why are there so many unemployed, while we spend billions every month on weapons and foreign aid? Why are banks and large corporations being "bailed out", while so many Americans are being evicted from their homes? Is our economy really collapsing? How serious is the "Peak Oil" problem? Is it true that Obama is worse than President Bush? Is there any hope for our public schools, which have been scaling down for years, and are increasingly shutting down due to financial problems? Are the remaining public schools becoming tools for military recruiting? Has the peace movement really collapsed, and why did this happen? Should we be concerned about the "I hate Israel" movement? How serious is our racism problem? Why all the fuss about Israel and Palestine? Should we be concerned about the "Tea Party"? Why is no-one talking about the new form of warfare, which includes "warbots" - autonomous machines, designed to kill, without human intervention? If you have any answers to these problems facing our nation, please send them to http://www.Squadron13.com, and tell Gordon Sturrock that I sent you!

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