
Congressman Ron Paul: Recipe for a Successful 2011!

As opposed to the drivel, called opinion by other legislators, Congressman Ron Paul is not only a fresh, and honest representative for "We, the people of the United States", but also a staunch defender of our sacred Constitution. With the new Republican majority in the House, Ron assures us that he will have the opportunity as a subcommittee chairman, to take a careful look at our domestic monetary policy. He advises us that he go to work to assure a real oversight of the Federal Reserve, but will also focus on the important ways in which our foreign policy and monetary policy are related: Just last week the Financial Times reported that the limited oversight of the Federal Reserve allowed by the passage of a watered-down version of his Audit the Fed bill revealed that approximately 55 percent of the loans made available under the largest Federal Reserve bailout program, the Term Auction Facility, went to foreign banks! This is but one example of the real cost to Americans maintaining its empire overseas, and it cries out for more transparency and oversight: This is why it is key for us to understand that our foreign policy and current economic crisis go hand in hand: Some have promised to lead us back to fiscal responsibility, while asserting that any reduction in our foreign policy and current economic crisis go hand in hand. Please bear with me, and Congressman Ron Paul's clearly defined scenario of what our great country must do, in order to regain its health. Being an American citizen is not easy, but, last time I checked, we still owe a debt to the courageous men, and women, who founded this magnificent rock in a sea of trouble. Take the time and trouble to learn what must be done, in order to become a believer in our future. I got my MBA (Master of Business Administration), on the twenty-first day of May, nineteen hundred and seventy-six, at the University of Texas at Arlington, after I had put my life on the line in Vietnam. Please, whether you are a believer in our cause or not, do your fair share to ensure that this great country survives!!

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