
Obama's Newest "Surge" in Afghanistan-by Tom Engelhardt

It seems that our military "urge to surge" is once more rearing its ugly head: The so-called "leaders" in the Obama administration, and "senior American military commanders" in Afghanistan slipped information to New York Times reporters Mark Mazzetti and Dexter Filkins about 'secret' planning to increase pressure in the Pakistani tribal borderlands, possibly the "tinderbox province" of Baluchistan, looking for cross-border raids by US Special Operations forces in the new year. My guess is, that the constant Television advertising by our "Central Intelligence" Agency, apparently in need of new suckers for extremely dangerous work, have more than a little to do with our CIA's need for clearly disposable agents to fill our needs in that mortal environment. If you were of a certain age, as I am, you could sense that the next step in spreading the war, the NEXT escalation, could be the decisive one. Beware though, that a tour of duty in Afghanistan could very well be your death sentence: Before Vietnam, when I served as the Intelligence Operations Officer of our 4th US Armored Division in Goeppingen, Germany, my boss, who was almost a second father to me, warned against working for our CIA: "This is NOT James Bond. Should you decide to serve with the "Agency", the East German Police will definitely find you, and you will spend the rest of your life in a rat-infested jail. I can also assure you that the CIA is not going to spend any time or effort in trying to get you out!!"
Please click on my headline to read the full story by Tom Engelhardt on The Smirking Chimp!

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