
The "Urge to Surge"

Just as 2011 begins, prepare yourself for more foolish decisions by Obama. It seems that so-called "leaders" in the Obama administration and "senior American military commanders have consumed too much new year "cheer" immediately after the new millenium began! They slipped information to the New York Times reporters Mark Mazzetti and Dexter Filkins, about secret planning to increase pressure in the Pakistani tribal borderlands, as well as the Pakistani government, and military via cross-border raids by US Special Forces in the new year. In the front-page story, those two reporters produced, you could practically taste the chagrin of the military that their war was against - well, you name it: terrorists, guerrillas, former Islamic fundamentalist allies, Afghan and Pakistani nationalists, and who knows who else. You could practically reach out and be seared by their anger at the Pakistanis for continuing to take American dollars by the billions, while playing their own game, rather than the American one in their region. As a combat veteran of Vietnam, I can clearly see the end of our Afghanistan adventure coming: Top military leaders narrowly escaping enemy forces from a tower in Kabul, while a few remaining American troops die to assure the timely departure of our bureaucrats and other idiotic morons, including OUR CIA, which should have predicted this disaster, based on their superb "Intelligence"!! May I hope that President Obama, who is responsible for this catastrophe, is the last man on the helicopter, and finally becomes an unsung hero, while he goes down with his sinking ship!!

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