
About Kabul Press

Kabulpress is a unique forum allowing a variety of Afghans and other participants to critically write and debate issues affecting the country and region. Articles and writers evoke nuanced discussions on vital human rights, political, social, religious, and economic topics. They support the difficult work of Kabulpress as a way to expand debate, defend freedom of speech and thought, and cultivate critical thinking on all things related to Afghanistan. As such, it will support and promote individuals, organizations, businesses, and institutions that align with its mission. Its primary goal is not just reporting current events, but providing a deeper focus on areas not usually covered such as: Human rights violations, Women's rights and their importance in social and political development, social development processes and their important connection with national and international peace and security issues. Democracy and its various components as well as its unique importance in a vulnerable and underdeveloped country. Reflecting the real problems of Afghanistan and its progress in meeting its security, stability and development challenges. Internal and external conflicts that are the source of long-term instability and insecurity.
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