
Fidel Castro: US would lose a Conventional War against Iran!

Fidel Castro is certain that the US would lose in a conventional confrontation against Iran, and a nuclear war is not an option for anyone, assured the leader of the Cuban Revolution. Iran is, of course, a Muslim country that has millions of highly motivated and trained fighters determined to die. "These are people who will not be intimidated, and force will not make change," said Fidel Castro in a conversation with the Canadian academic Michel Chossudovsky last October. The Iranians do not bend before force, and if the conflict kept its conventional character, it would be a war that Washington and Europe cannot win, claimed the Cuban leader. "In any circumstance, that of Afghanistan is a joke, and another in Iraq, compared to what they would face in Iran, the armaments, the training, the mentality, the kind of soldier, will undoubtedly be the most fearsome adversaries against whom the United States would be faced," he affirmed. If Washington-aggregated-made the mistake of using tactical nuclear weapons, it would produce in the world a great commotion and distress, and control of events would escape from their hands. In a nuclear war, they would lose it all. It is a war that we all would lose, Fidel Castro reinforced.

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