
Faith in Freedom, NOT in Government: REAL NEWS and Views!

Last week, President Obama released his budget proposal for the federal government. It was expected that the President, based on his State of the Union Address, would outline the need for real cuts that had to be made in order to get our spending under control, and yet, faced with the greatest debt crisis the nation has ever seen, what did our Chief Executive do? Not much. He invented a war surge continuation plan that didn't exist, and claimed to save billions by ending it, and then continued with his ambitious spending agenda. Reckless spending is not just a Democrat problem, though. Many Republicans in the House are still afraid to make serious spending cuts, and no one has forgotten that the last time Republicans were in power, they were anything but frugal. So how much financial trouble are we in? If President Obama's budget were adopted, for the first time in history, our national debt would exceed our entire Gross Domestic Product. Since the President signed his so-called "stimulus" package two years ago, the share of the public debt has gone up to $29,660 per household, bringing the total share of the debt per household to $125,475. That is, over those same two years, the debt has increased $3.34 trillion, bringing the total debt to a breathtaking $14.13 trillion! Yet, given these frightening facts, the President in his budget is simply proposing more of the same. The Federal Government has been spending your money as though it were Monopoly money, and now you are stuck with the bill. More than that, the speed at which we're accumulating debt has nearly tripled in just four years. All of these numbers in "billions" and "trillions" can be hard to visualize, but if you click on the YouTube "National Debt Road Trip", you will understand just how dire our situation is.

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