
Mustapha Abdeljalil: Like Hitler, Gadafi will Commit Suicide

"Gaddafi's time is up: He is going to go like Hitler, he is going to commit suicide, according to the Mustapha Abdeljalil's comments in Stockholm-based Expressen newspaper on Wednesday. As most of my former countrymen know, Adolf Hitler committed suicide with a self-inflicted gunshot in his Berlin bunker on April 30, 1945, too late to save Germany from utter destruction. Mustapha added that he expects Gaddafi to remain in power despite expanding pro-democracy protests against his repressive four-decade rule. Abdeljalil tendered his resignation on Monday to protest the excessive use of force against Gadaffi's excessive use of force against Libyan protesters. Meanwhile. Libyan demonstrators have taken over control of major oil terminals in the northern port cities of Ras Lanuf and Masra El Brega as protests gain momentum across the North African country. Several eastern cities have now fallen into the hands of the protesters. Libyan security forces have reportedly killed some 1,000 people during recent pro-democracy demonstrations against the authoritarian reign of 68-year-old Gaddafi, who's regime is is facing mounting international condemnations over its brutal crackdown. Meanwhile, Muhammad al-Senussi, who would be Libya's crown prince if the country still had a monarchy, has spoken out about the ongoing violence in his country from London. In his interview with Al Jazeera's Barnaby Phllips, al-Senussi asks the international community to help remove Gaddafi from power to stop the ongoing "massacre".

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