
Who Sponsors Terror? by Stanislav Mishin

With the upcoming collapse of one MidEast regime after another, the neocons are working hard, frothing at the mouth, to drive their base into another anti-Russian delirium: In the so-called American Thinker, James Simpson suggests that if Egypt should fall, it will mark the beginning of the end for what little remaining stability there is in the Middle East. In response, Stanislav Mishin counters: It has been my long-standing assertion that Muslim terrorism is simply a "false flag" operation, managed in the background by our main enemies, Russia and Red China. Almost since the beginning, Muslim terrorist organizations have been supported and nurtured by the Soviet Union or its Middle Eastern surrogates. This time Stanislav Mishin is wrong: The horrors of the collapse of the Trade Center Towers during 911, were not due to Arabs, but the fact that the Jew Silverstein wanted to avoid paying for the renovation of his Asbestos permeated towers out of his own pocket. But I digress: Who placed Saddam into power, and supported him, even though he sponsored terror? Why yes, Reagan and Bush, as long as it was no longer worth their efforts! Please read the Pravda version by clicking on my headline, then look up the "American Thinker" rebuttal at

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