
Antifascist Calling: America's Secret Domestic Spying Appparatus!

Despite Obama's last week's circus about the so-called death of Osama bin Laden, there has bin an uptick in domestic spying. Never mind that the "administration" is engaged in a war against whistle-blowers, or is systematically targeting antiwar and solidarity activists with trumped-up charges connected to "material support of terrorism", as last Fall's multi-state raids on anarchists and socialists in Chicago and Minneapolis attest. In order to their best to "keep us safe", Team Obama is busily building on the criminal legacy bequeathed by the Bush regime, and the right to assassinate American citizens "without a whiff of due process", as Salon's Glenn Greenwald points out. According to a new Justice Department report submitted to Congress, we learn that "during calender year 2010, the Government made 1,579 applications to (FISK), the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, for "authority to conduct electronic surveillance and/or physical searches" on what US "security agencies" allege, are "for foreign intelligence purposes." The April 29 missive, released under the Freedom of Information Act, documents the persistence of our internal security apparat's targeting of domestic political opponents, under color of rooting out "terrorists." Having fun already? You may be next on our government's list!!

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