
Dump Mealy-Mouthed Obama: Go for the Trump Card!

First of all, let me tell you about my experience as Advisory Team Leader in Vietnam in a tiny village of Mountain Tribesmen. My medic was black, and he and I became the very best of friends. He did, however, have one short-coming. There was a tiny chicken, barely four inches long, which he dosed so consistently with tetracycline, that it grew larger and larger, but on one morning it just disappeared. When I tried to console my brave medic, telling him that his pet would ultimately show up, he cried through his tears: "NO SIR, I think they done packed rice around its hips!" Since I needed my medic very badly, what with all the AK-47 gun-shot wounds we experienced, I decided to drive him a few miles to the Town of Kontum, where I knew an Dr. Patricia Smith, an American doctor, who treated the Mountain Tribesmen(called Montagnards) in our area. She almost lost her life during the 1968 attack on Kontum, but continued her work until 1972, when she again had to run for her life during another attack. The indomitable, blunt-talking woman , whom the Montagnards called "ya pogang tih" (big grandmother of medicine) In addition to her many other difficult duties, she treated the dogs in the area, and many Advisory Teams were grateful to have a noisemaker on their side, who would raise the alarm, before our NVA enemies came too close to our outside defensive wire. My medic was once again happy, and so was I. NUFF said: My medic perked up again, and so was I. VOTE For Trump, if he decides to run. As a man who knows how to restore our country to health, he's my man!

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