

This weekend, the "high-powered" think tank, the Bilderberg Group, is meeting to discuss "current events", form a consensus on the coordination of policies of the Western Imperial powers, and attempt to influence and shape the world in a direction of "their" liking! The "Bilderberg Group", founded allegedly in 1954, though many don't trust anything they say, or claim to believe! This secretive organization holds meetings once a year, drawing together roughly 130 of the world's "elite": Bankers such as David Rockefeller, Monarchs such as Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, central bankers, oil executives, like the ones who screwed up the entire eco-system of America's Gulf for centuries, and perhaps beyond! Allegedly, Bilderberg is not a conspiracy, though it sure as hell looks like one! Nevertheless, in the firm belief that most of the residents of our tortured planet are morons, they like to cover up their earlier mistakes, and use a giant vacuum cleaner to make believe that they have actually helped the people of our earth to survive - well not all of them, but at least those whom Germany's Adolf Hitler wanted to survive: If you WILL follow my orders! So while the "elite" get together to "increase the chance of supposedly having a 'sensible' global policy', to bring about "a single community throughout the world", YEAH, RIGHT! After they have trained their idiot stooges, who have claimed to be our "leaders", like that so-called president Obama, I definitely don't trust them any more. Back again to my original thought: Yes, we do need to save our planet, but NOT because of these so-called Bilderbergs! Global Research, an honest news and information media, says they have no bankers, Rockefellers, Kings or Queens, Rothchilds or others as members, and even the CIA was not kind enough to fund globalresearch, as the Bilderberg Group did for the first several years. In other words, there is no-one out there who feels that the fate of humanity is important.

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