
Libya, NATO, and Terrorism: Shocking Images of "Rebel" Atrocities!

NATO, that god-like union of the "right" forces, ready to conquer the evils of humanity, has done it again, painting itself into a corner in Libya. Its acts of murder against Libyan children, and its flagrant breach of international law make Obomber, Cameron and Sarkozy war criminals. Why are they not sitting side by side with the ghost of Adolf Hitler in the Hague? For those of little faith, I must remind them that there exists something called: International Law. NATO's acts of terrorism, imposed on the Libyan people, must one day stand before the eyes of the world. The band of murderous countries currently conducting the illegal act of butchery in Libya are signatories to the United Nations Charter, and should understand the terms and conditions when destroying a sovereign state! Third parties are not allowed to take sides. Only those with criminal intentions would bend and flout international law in siding with terrorists, and one wonders why similar action has not been used against other countries fighting extremists. The so-called Libyan Revolution, staged, aided, financed and abetted from abroad did not begin in Tripoli, but in Benghazi, among a a band of heavily armed Islamist fanatics, whose militancy and racism have long been apparent. NATO has sided with these criminals, murderers and thieves, rascals from the dregs of Libyan society, who once fought against NATO in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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