
Brian Becker: Why the NATO Powers are trying to KILL Moammar Gaddafi

Are we protecting Civilians or Western Oil Companies? State Department cables from November 2007 and afterwards show the REAL reason for the mounting hostility to the Libyan government prior to the current "civil war". NATO, supposedly a "defensive" alliance, has been dropping devastating bunker-busting bombs on Muammar Gaddafi's home, in an attempt to assassinate him. One son, and several grandchildren have died, but Gaddafi has survived. The State Department cables give background to the hostility directed against Gaddafi by the United States and other NATO powers. One State Department cable from November 2007 sounds the alarm of "growing evidence of Libyan resource nationalism" by the Gaddafi government. This was almost the identical language used by the US and British governments against Iranian Prime Minister Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh, when he nationalized Iran's oil fields in 1951. At that time, Mossadegh was overthrown by a 1953 CIA coup that restored the Shah to the throne: It allowed US and British oil companies to take ownership over Iran's oil until the 1979 revolution. Condemning "Libyan resource nationalism" is diplomatic language. The US government was furious that Gaddafi was moving to to rein in and limit the power and profits of the western- owned oil giants that he permitted to come back into his country, after George W. Bush lifted economic sanctions against Libya.

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