
Congressman Ron Paul: The Keys to Economic Growth

Recent economic data show that US job growth in May was negligible, while the official unemployment figure, at leas the figure the Labor Department admits to rose to 9.1%. The real unemployment figure, however, as compiled by economist John Williams, may be higher than 20%. It is clear that the US economy is in terrible shape, and that no amount of government spending or Federal Reserve quantitative easing can reduce unemployment, increase "real" productivity, or address our debt fiasco. US jobs and productivity are dependent on the accumulation of private capital to finance existing businesses, or fund new entrepreneurial activity. Private capital, whether accumulated by profitable US businesses, invested by private equity and venture capital firms, or attracted from abroad, is the key to economic growth and new jobs, but we cannot create jobs if we demonize profits, punish risk-taking capitalists, and stay hostile to foreign investment. The steps to encouraging capital investment and creating new jobs in America are simple, though not easy: First of all, we must create a sound US currency backed by gold or some other commodity respected by the market. No nation in history with a rapidly depreciating currency has attracted private capital. Unless and until we prohibit the Treasury and Federal Reserve from essentially creating money and credit from thin air, we cannot restore the US economy.

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