
Associated Press: Romney Blames Obama For Economic Uncertainty!dt

There is no one running for president who understands economics and the way jobs are created like Governor Romney, and it's not even close! He has executive experience, both running Bain Capital in the private sector, and the state of Massachusetts in the public sector. He did well in both, even in spite of a legislature overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats in the latter. Noon the job training needed for this man. The problems of our economy are diverse and complex, and there is no single solution to solve them all. Housing, energy, manufacturing, health care, you name it. You can't solve them all with the same medicine. Romney understands that. He is smart, very smart! Some people think he is not conservative. He is! That is the basis of his thinking. That's why I am strongly supporting Governor Mitt Romney for President. I want this country to grow again. I want to have confidence in the future again. I want to be willing to take business risks again. I want Americans to to have good jobs again. I want the rest of the world to treasure our debt again, and not fear it. I want my kids to live better and have more opportunity than I did. I think Mitt Romney is far and away our best chance at accomplishing these goals in the coming four years. He will lead! He will solve problems. He can achieve the consensus to make things happen. His administration will work. He is the competent, proven conservative in the race. Please join me in supporting Mitt Romney for President!

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