
Judy Andreas: BRING 'em HOME

Judy Andreas recalls that Friday, April 15, 2005, she stood in front of her local Court House protesting the War in Iraq. At the time, it was tax day, and she and her comrades were trying to make a point about how their tax dollars were being used. Many cars passed by, and gave them an approving honk, while other drivers gave them a disapproving 3rd finger. Some of these cars had "support our troops" proudly displayed on their rear bumpers. Though it was 2005, it seemed like only yesterday. Did their protests do any good? Today, there are still people in our country who stand on a street corner every week protesting "the war". My question is "which war". "Support our troops"? Does anyone question those words when they mindlessly slap the bright yellow sticker on their vehicle? Back in 2005, after I returned from my tour as Advisory Team Leader in Vietnam, our country had its first fatality in Iraq. His name was Army Specialist Manny Lopez. Because he expected to be in Baghdad for 18 months, he made a video for his daughter, Isabella. After the tragedy hit the newspaper, grief-stricken people called the local radio station to give voice to their pain, and one woman uttered, through her tears,"He died for our freedom." Perhaps I have been sufficiently "dumbed down", but as I stumble around in my flouride induced fog, I hoped that someone would help me to understand how killing innocent people in Vietnam or Iraq is helping to keep us "free"! What has sending soldiers to be poisoned and diehave to do with our freedom? In my lexicon of of logic, the belief that "he died for our freedom" is just about as meaningless as "support our troops." On that particular April 15, we carried signs in front of the Court House. I chose a sign that featured a picture of an Iraqi Vet named Herold Noel. Unlike Manny Lopez, Herold came home from the war, just as I did from that one in Vietnam!

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