
Bill Clinton Advocates Removing Our Debt Ceiling

So, former President Bill Clinton, one of the better men, or women to inhabit the White House, said Monday that he wouldn't hesitate to raise the debt ceiling without congressional approval! Clinton told the National Memo that he would invoke that constitutional option without hesitation, and force the courts to stop him, if Congress and the White House fail to reach an agreement to raise the debt ceiling by the August 2 deadline, when the US Treasury says the government will begin to default on its debts. That's a much stronger language than anything we've heard from the sitting president during the grinding debate over whether and how the debt ceiling can be raised. Some legal thinkers, including Clinton himself take the view that the Constitution grants the president the authority to raise the limit by executive order without Congress's approval The Fourteenth Amendment states: "the validity of the public debt of the United States shall not be questioned." According to Clinton, the Constitution is clear, but many other lawmakers and legal scholars dispute that interpretation. They argue that the president cannot force payment for appropriations under the Constitution's language. There's little doubt, in any event, that President Obama face a major uproar from GOP leaders and their supporters if he were to bypass Congress. Because of this, Obama has chosen to avoid addressing whether he would invoke that option.

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