
Justin Raimondo: Next UP: PAKISTAN Ominous Sign of a NEW War

As if the citizens of our US don't have enough on our plate: Suddenly, Islamabad is on the verge of being classified as part of the "Axis of Evil", with the head of the joint chiefs, Admiral Mullen, openly accusing the Pakistanis of "sanctioning" the killing of a journalist, and allying with a faction of the Taliban. Since when does a military man, the titular uniformed head of the US armed force, speak out on such sensitive political matters? Why, when he has the full backing of the White House, which obviously has plans for the Pakistanis. The new accusations add fuel to the fire started by the "supposed discovery" of Osama bin Laden's "Abbottabad lair". The sad truth is that Osama has been dead for many, many years. When Obama, as usual, lied to us about that, in the vain possibility that his "handlers" wanted to retain his "supposed credibility" for the gullible US audience, or, at least the morons who were stupid enough to vote for him. As you can probably tell from my sarcasm, I DID NOT!!! The new accusations add fuel to the fire of Osama's untimely death. The plentiful Pakistan-haters in the administration, of which there are now plenty, were quick to to draw the conclusion that even the gullible toady's (persons who obsequiously flatter or defer to others for the sake of personal gain,) -ie: sycophants. Unfortunately for Obama, it is well known that al-Qaeda operatives have been living in the US for years, though apparently undetected by our "efficient" CIA! Heck, FBI agents in the field warned Washington after one of the "terrorists" took flight training lessons, and was reported for suspicious activities. The ultimate prize for US imperialism in the Middle East, the jewel in the crown of the emerging American "EMPIRE", is Iran, long the chief target of the War Party's, and Israelis' attention!

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