
Stephen Lendman: America's Dirty War On Islam.

America's dirty war targets Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans, political activists, and Muslims for their faith, ethnicity, prominence and charity, exploiting them as "war on terror" scapegoats. On July 9, a Press TV US prison system racket interview highlighted the problem and urgency to address it. America's media ignore how unjustly it harms millions of disadvantaged people. Why Muslims, when, in fact, Islam teaches love, not hate; peace, not violence; tolerance, not terrorism; or that Islam, Christianity and Judaism have common roots. Who would know though in today's climate of hate and fear at a time America wages global wars on Islam, including at home. Ahmed Abdulkadir Warsame is America's latest high-profile target, illegally captured, interrogated, probably tortured at sea for over two months , based on spurious allegations of Islamic terrorist ties. Post 9/11, the same pattern repeated ruthlessly against hundreds of innocent victims. Pronounced guilty by accusation, America's media shamelessly regurgitated fabricated hate charges, not legitimate honest accounts, doing what good journalists should do - their job. On July 5, New York Times writers Charlie Savage and Eric Schmitt headlined, "US to Prosecute Somali Suspect in Civilian Court," saying: Obama's Justice Department will: "prosecute Warsame in civilian court," likely reigniting debate about whether to bring newly captured detainees to Guantanamo, try them before military commissions, or do it "in civilian court." While admitting Warsame plotted no attack, and that administration officials gave contradictory accounts of his importance, the article presumed guilt by accusation. It failed to question whether or not charges are legitimate, let alone his illegal capture, detention, interrogation, and likely torture at sea secretly for over two months.

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