
American Free Press: Perry's Trail of Corruption!

Several Marlboro men, Wayne McLaren and David Mclean died of lung cancer. McLaren testified in favor of anti-smoking legislation, but the phony Madison Avenue icon lives on, but the deadliest Marlboro Man phony ad is the one portraying politician Rick Perry as a cowboy. The ads are clearly rustling the Reagan brand and marketing it as his own. Neighbors in his hometown of Paint Creek and Haskell County clearly think Perry is riding to power on a rustled horse with a false brand. Big city Texans agree. Perry has enjoyed lavish perks and travel, paid for by crony capitalists who have funded Perry's jetting around the world, staying in luxury hotels, vacationing in exclusive Colorado ski towns, expensive sporting events and concerts, at least nine hunting trips entertainment-even paying the cable bill at the 4,600-square-foot mansion with a heated pool that the taxpayers are paying for -$8,500 a month. As the Houston Chronicle said: "Perry's a long way from the cotton farm." Perry's acceptance of such perks feeds a corrupt pay-to-play political culture in Texas. His campaign paid $426,000 last year to settle an opponent's lawsuit alleging it accepted illegal contributions from a top donor.

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