
Dr. Webster Tarpley, PressTV: West is after Libyan oil Riches

An analyst says the Western military alliance in Libya, including the NATO forces, have nothing to do with democracy, but it has merely launched a cynical imperialist attack to provide the West with Libya's oil and riches. Press TV has interviewed author and historian Dr. Webster Tarpley to get his views on the current situation in Libya. PressTV: Do you think that Gaddafi is still strong enough to remain in power, and do you think that what Obama said today, that this is a humani -tarian mission that has been continuing in Libya, and of which he says, will continue? Tarpley: "Well, I think we have to remember that there are two traditions in the United States. You have a certain kind of imperialist politician like Nixon, and Bush the younger. These are brutal thugs. They talk about bombing people back into the Stone Age. Then, you have the other tradition, the tradition of the hypocrites. We had Woodrow Wilson, and we have Obama today. Based on that performance at the United Nations today, I think Obama should get the Nobel Prize for hypocrisy. Libya is a country that has been raped. Libya had the most advanced standard of living in Africa, measured by the UN in development programs, in terms of health, education, welfare, the status of women, and in many other social and economic measures. It also had the most advanced water infrastructure of just about any place in the world, and of course its oil industry, and many other things that were being promoted!

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