
Colonel Gaddafi denounces Nato-backed Charade!

A desperate-sounding Colonel Gaddafi, whose main desert stronghold is now on the verge of falling to rebel forces, tried to claim in a message on a Syrian television station that the fall of his regime is a delusion. "Do not rejoice and don't believe that one regime has been overthrown and another imposed with the help of air and maritime strikes," he said. "The political system in Libya is a system based on the power of the people. It is impossible that this system be removed!" Talk of toppling the "magnificent " regime triggered laughter and sarcasm, he added. The rebel forces appeared to be on the verge of an important breakthrough as he made his speech. After being driven back from two northern towns remaining loyal to loyal to Colonel Gaddafi, Bani Walid and Sirte, a brigade of troops that had pushed into the far south seized Sabha airport on Monday, and continued to move into the city itself on Tuesday. Sabha, which is 480 miles south of Tripoli, is the heartland of the Gaddafi tribe, and most of those involved in the search for the former leader believe he was staying as recently as last week in farms nearby with a retinue of hundreds, perhaps thousands of men, including fellow tribesmen.

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